We have a lot of Updates to talk about today from 3 of our Plugins, plus some other news as well. Daniel and the Development Team have been going crazy and have been pumping out updates like there is no tomorrow. Thanks to current customer feedback and requests we have been able to find and fix a lot of small bugs and also add some very nice upgrades to our plugins and I am sure all of this is going to make life easier for you and hopefully more profitable too.
Social Deals Engine Plugin and Extension Updates
We have finished off some small bug fixes with the Social Deals Engine and also have completed some key Extension Updates for the Social Sharing Discount Extension and the Discount Coupon Codes Extension.
In the main plugin we have added a Shortcode icon to the WordPress Post/Page Editor so you can now add Deals to pages and Posts in different ways using Shortcode insertion. We also added an image resizer which will help make your images look better when added to your site. The image resiser will adjust the width of your images automatically, but you still need to look at the height of your images. I highly recommend making custom images for all of your Deals so they are the same exact size. We recommend using 400 pixel wide and 600 pixel wide images as a base and then adjust to what looks best in your theme as everyone uses different widths in their content and widget areas.
In the Social Sharing Discount Extension we added the ability to “Like” a Facebook Fan Page to receive a discount so you can have your Fan Page liked versus just the Deal page. We are currently working on adding Pinterest to this Extension as well. In the Discount Coupon Codes Extension you now can use Custom Coupon Codes for each individual Deal. Previously you could only create Discount Codes for the entire site. Now you can customize this on a deal by deal basis.
Here is the official change log:
Social Member Lock Plugin Updates
This plugin just keeps getting better and better. You already can send your Facebook Members Updates to their Facebook Profile Wall with Social Member Lock, but now you can also send them Notifications as well. There was another plugin released recently which had this as its main selling point. We were asked about it and our first thought was “Social Member Lock can do this already and has done it for over a year”. We were wrong though as not all Wall Posts also add notifications for users depending on each user’s settings. Now though, Social Member Lock has the notification feature as well. So now when you post Updates to your Members Walls on Facebook, they will also receive a Notification to check it too.
We also have added a key Upgrade which will allow you to integrate Social Member Lock into different Membership Plugins and be used for different things like Guest Posting more effectively. You now can Customize the “Role” your Members receive when Connecting with your site. If you want to associate these Social Connected Members with a Contributor Role or a Membership Role from another plugin; you now can do this easily.
Here is the official Change Log:
SEO Booster Pro Plugin Updates
One of our best plugins keeps getting better and better. We have added Social Signals tracking for your blog to the WP Social SEO Booster Plugin. Now there is a new menu item in your WordPress Admin Menu for the SEO Booster called “Social Statistics” which will allow you to see how your Posts and Pages are begin Socially shared via Facebook, Google +1, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and StumbleUpon. All you have to do is select the Post Type you want to see your Stats for, the time frame, and even the Category, and then Click on the Update button and it will show you your Social Metrics for the services listed here and how many Social Shares you have for each and your overall total for each individual post, page, and custom post type on your blog. You can also download a PDF or CSV file of your statistics for use with Clients or any other need you have.
We also added the new Twitter Card for Products which Twitter added to the Twitter Card API. If you are not using Twitter Cards with the SEO Booster, then you need to start. We are seeing a huge amount of response from using Twitter Cards on our site here at WPSocial.com. Previously we never noticed much traffic from Twitter, but since we implemented the Twitter Card functionality we are now seeing constant traffic from Twitter show up in our Analytics.
We have removed the Kraken Image Optimization feature from the SEO Booster due to constant issues with the Kraken API. We are now working to add the Yahoo Smushit Image Optimization feature to the plugin as a replacement.
Here is the official Change Log:
Coming Soon
We have a few things we are working on as always, but one of our projects which is nearing completion is our new WP Social Poster Plugin. No this is not the plugin of the same name found here. Our plugin is much different and isn’t based on any rebranded PLR plugin of the same name. We expect it to be done shortly (in the next 2 weeks), but it does not have any formal release timeline associated with it. We developed this plugin mainly as a Bonus for our current customers who have purchased more than 1 Product from us, but we are also going to make it really easy to get for Free initially for anyone who wants it (more info on this later). Once it has been available for a little while we might actually sell it here on WPSocial.com, but we haven’t decided yet.
Daniel and I have been working on our new front end Knowledge Base. We are moving all our Tutorials and Videos to the front of the site here to make them easier to use and easier for us to Update. We want a more interactive Knowledge base and you will be able to Comment on Knowledge Base entries to ask questions and add your own input. This is going to take awhile to implement, but I was able to finish about 90% of the SEO Booster Knowledge Base yesterday. We are getting there.
Daniel has another Update for the Social Review Engine he will be releasing soon. Maybe even sometime still today, but as of the time I am writing this it has not been completed, but do not be surprised if you see an update notification in WordPress for it soon.
That’s all for today. I hope you enjoy the Updates!
Hey Mike,
Looks great!
Any E.T.A. on the ability for affiliates to promote deals in the deals engine?
Thanks & best,
Once we get the templating and integration stuff out of the way we will be able to move ahead on this. I am just emailed the creator of the Affiliates Pro plugin (which integrates with WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads for example) and have asked him how we can get his plugin integrated with the Social Deals Engine quickly, so this might be a really good option for users of the plugin if we can work things out.
Awesome! Hope that happens soon.
Thanks for the info!
Mike –
I’m excited to keep seeing your products develop and keep being improved. They are already some of the best in this space, and are well supported. Bravo – keep up the great work!
Eric Bobrow
Thanks Eric,
We truly appreciate it.
Thanks Mike,
But can you tell me, how do I use Twitter Cards for Products with the SEO Booster? Does it send out tweets or does it just embed Twiiter product code in the blog posts?
It is better if you understand what Twitter Cards are:
There you can see what they are. With the SEO Booster Pro Plugin you can implement Twitter Cards easily. The “Product” Twitter Card is a display format for how your products are viewed on Twitter.
Also, can you tell me if WP Social Poster will be like or better than “Promote Me Pro”? I was going to buy that but looks like a lot of hype plus found out from you it’s not compatible with WP Social Booster Pro!
I honestly have not tested the Promote Me Pro plugin enough to say if ours is better or not. I will say the WP Social Poster will integrate more smoothly into use with the other WP Social Plugins and Themes than Promote Me Pro will.
The WP Social Poster plugin will definitely be cheaper since most current WP Social customers will get it for Free and I think it is a simpler and not as resource heavy based on my initial look. It does almost the exact same thing in some respects, but does not use RSS Feeds and is more focused on using unique content.
Thanks again about Twitter Cards inside WP Social Booster. Is there a video explaining how to use it in posts or is it pretty strait forwards like in the existing Product tab? This is a great plugin!
I am actually working on Videos for this right now. It is pretty straight forward if you follow the directions in the Twitter portion of the plugin settings.
Thanks Mike,
What about previous posts before you added the Twitter Card Products functionality? Will we have to go and change those posts for them to be seen by Twitter?
You can simply adjust the Twitter Card settings on Product posts from whatever Twitter Card you were using previously. It is not critical that you do it, but it will help.
You go to the SEO Booster settings for the Product page. Click on the Twitter link and then change the card type. You might need to validate the card with Twitter but you only need to do that once for your entire site.
Also, is WP Social Booster released yet? I just logged into my blog and don’t see an Auto Update link.
Depending on your server it can take 2 hours to 24 hours for an update to show up. You can always click on the Check Now button in your WordPress Updates section.
Thanks Mike, will you please send a message when you have the video done for Twitter Card in SEO Booster? I can’t wait to start using it to see if it will further boost my sites. How long did it take on your sites to see a boost in twitter traffic?
I will be updating everyone as we add new content to the Knowledge Base. Don’t worry, you will get notified.
It took about a month to notice the additional traffic. There are other factors which go into this like the amount of Twitter exposure your site has, how many posts and pages are being shared, etc.
Simply Amazing!!! I have never been aligned with such an Amazing company until WPSocial. You guys keep providing updates and great new plugins. I have them all. I look forward to your next release for members who own 1 or more of your plugins. The value you provide to your members is top notch. Thanks Mike and Daniel
Thanks Samuel. We truly appreciate it.
Mike, where is the “Check Now button in your WordPress Updates section”? All I see in the Plugins page is an “Update Available” link and SEO Booster is not one of them.
In your WP Admin Menu at the top left is the Dashboard Menu. Hover over Dashboard and you will see the sub-menu there for “Updates”. There on the Updates page is where you will see the “Check Now” button.
I just downloaded SEO Booster manually. My blog has Version 2.0.6 installed. How do installed the plugin manually without losing my settings?
You can unzip the file and upload it over the old version via FTP, but I recommend using the Auto Update feature.
Thanks Mike,
Was able to update SEO Booster manually, thanks again. When will you have either the manual or the video on using the Twitter Product cards ready? I’d like to start using it asap..
It is very easy. Go to the main Twitter settings in the SEO Booster, click on the link there (which is the same link I posted here). Follow the directions on Twitter. Add and validate a single page or post from your site for each one of the different Twitter Cards you want to use. Twitter will then approve your Cards. Sometimes you get approved instantly, sometimes in 20 minutes, and sometimes in 6 weeks.
That’s it.
The code for all of this is already on your site via the SEO Booster, you simply need to add your preferences to each page and post in the SEO Booster settings.
I’m so confused. I went to https://dev.twitter.com/cards and chose the Product Card->Card Validator->Validate & Apply link but do not know what URL to enter. Is that all I have to do on the Twitter side?
My main money site is http://www.moneysite.com and the blog that I have SEO Booster on is http://www.moneysite.com/blog. Do I enter http://www.moneysite.com/blog in the Validate & Apply URL?
On the Twitter settings in SEO Booster there is no Product card type in the Default Twitter Card Type: field.
-Please advise
This is turning into a support thread. I won’t do support in WP Comments. This is getting way off track here.
If you are going to use one Twitter Card Type or all, simply select ANY single page on your blog which you are going to use for that card type. If you are going to use 4 card types, submit ANY 4 posts or pages from your site and your site will be validated for those card types.
That is it. Simple. Don’t over complicate it.
OK Mike. Sorry, I did get it working for Twitter Product card type but got 5 errors on validation. I sent a support ticket in to Daniel.
Hello Mike,
On Social booster is there anyway to retrieve flushed stars? I mean for dummies like me that clicked the wrong button, flushed hundreds of post stars… geeez. The artists are going to kill me!
IF NOT, then i have a recommendation; Add one extra step asking, “Are you sure you want flush?” Or add an option to recovering the latest flush.
Unfortunately i run a backup once a week (need to start daily) and i have been adding two or three post a day… 🙁
Last issue, your feedback & support pop-out does not work. When clicked, the dashboard starts to freakout and flashes off and on… bug?
No, there is no way to retrieve flushed star ratings. We can add an option to confirm that you want to do it, but you need to leave that suggestion in the support area or we won’t be able to track it.
Speaking of support, I just checked the pop up and it worked just fine for me. Anyone else having issues?
Mike Johnson May 31, 2013 at 7:00 pm #: Depending on your server it can take 2 hours to 24 hours for an update to show up. You can always click on the Check Now button in your WordPress Updates section.
FYI: June 3rd now and I am not seeing the SEO Booster update – even after I click the ‘Check Again’ button.
What kind of hosting are you using? I use InfiniteWP for all of my Updates and the Update has appeared for all of the sites I use it on (as well as our other updates), across 3 hosting accounts. Are you using WP Better Security or another security type plugin/ firewall which may be blocking this?
Can’t wait to see what WP Social Poster will do. Will i do anything like the product with same name at this link? http://www.wpsocialposter.org/special-offer/ I don’t really trust other social media products other than from WPSocial.com but I hope it will do some or all of what this product claims to do.
Yes, similar to that, but so much more and so much better. 🙂
Hi Mike,
Any ETA on your WP Social Poster plugin?
Finishing up Pinterest integration which has been a real pain for the dev team. Once that is done it will be ready for internal testing. After that, Beta Testing with Members and then once it looks to be 95% bug free it will be released.
So the answer is soon, but we are not giving out any promises on dates of release. It is a results based release with quality control, not a time specific one.
Any more info. on when WP Social Poster plugin will be available Mike. Can I be a beta tester? I really need more traffic asap.
We are still working through some bugs. It will be released soon, but I am not putting any timeline on it. It will be reasy when it is ready in other words. Sorry I can’t be more specific, but we are not rushing on this one.
Hi Mike
I’m thinking of creating my own Deals type website in my local area. Could I use the Social Deals Engine plugin with your Social Review Theme?
I love the look of your theme as it is Mobile Responsive, however it’s obviously geared towards reviews and I know the theme integrates fully with your Social Review Engine plugin already.
However, is there also tight integration with this responsive theme and your Social Deals plugin? I understand the plugin could integrate with an WordPress theme, but is there any sort of special integration between the two (being as you developed both?).
Many thanks, and keep up the good work and innovation.
Actually there is very good integration between the 2 plugins (Social Deals Engine and Social Review Engine) and the Social Review Theme. You can see our Social Deals Engine Demo with the Theme and Review Plugin here:
Excellent Mike
The mobile responsive Social Review Theme looks absolutely great in conjunction with both of your WordPress plugins.
Just another question if I may… I am looking to target Service Industries first, where there may not be a set price or product to begin with e.g. a marketing agency that builds bespoke packages based on customer requirements.
What I want to do is simply offer a 10% discount on any bespoke package offered (in exchange for the customers email address).
Therefore within the Deals plugin, could I offer the “product” as a 10% Discount Voucher, as opposed to an actual named product?
I’m not sure if this will work, as there is currently fields for “Value” (which is not a set rate), “Discount” (which would be fine at 10%), “You Save” (which would not be able to be determined beforehand, as it could be any price).
Sorry for all the questions, I hope this makes sense! If anything isn’t clear, please comment and I’ll try to clarify further.
Thanks Mike 🙂
Actually, I’ve just seen you’re going to implement a Voucher extension, so hopefully this will cover what I’ve asked above??
Just one other thing though, when I capture the email address, could I assign this to a list concerned with that particular deal only?
As I would like to build email lists for different businesses who offer vouchers on my site. (As opposed to building one big generic list of deal/voucher seekers on my site).
Yes, with our soon to be released Voucher Extension you will be able to do exactly what you described in your first question.
As for the email capture, that is something which can be done via segmentation on your list, but only a few list providers do this right now with hidden custom fields. That being said, the Optin Email functionality we have right now does not do what you are asking, but it is something we are working on adding because we realize it is a high demand request.
OK thanks Mike, hopefully your team can get this done soon, I know you are very busy at the moment.
In the meantime, could I at least see which offer was purchased by somebody when they opted in? This way I could at least create segmented lists manually.
Cheers 😀
You can do this manually by matching email addresses from your orders to your list, but this would be very tedious. Once we get our WooCommerce integration done it will be easy to do on a deal by deal basis. We are almost there.
Wp social
That’s great news Mike!
I’m considering buying the Sales Flash Pro Extension for WooCommerce.
Only because I know that will definitely display within a Shopping Category Display, here for example:
With your new integration of Social Deals Engine and WooCommerce, would it be possible that your deals could display in an area such as this?
Would appreciate your comments as always Mike 😀
Our integration would allow you to display your products as normal with Deal Attributes added to them. But to be honest, until we get to the fine tuning stage on it I don’t want to give away too many features because there are multiple ways to go on this and we are still working out different little things with it.
Hi Mike,
I know this sounds like a broken record, but any news on when WP Social Poster will be ready?
Thanks, Glenn
what about the WooCommerce integration? Any updates?
Yes, it is done and we will be releasing it shortly. We ended up creating a separate plugin for Woo Integration and I am doing final testing now.
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