WP Social Traffic Blaster
Traffic Blaster Social Locker SettingsTraffic Blaster Facebook SettingsTraffic Blaster Google+ SettingsTraffic Blaster Twitter SettingsTraffic Blaster LinkedIn SettingsTraffic Blaster Facebbok Friend Inviter SettingsTraffic Blaster Facebbok Fan Page Locker SettingsTraffic Blaster Pop Up Content Locker SettingsTraffic Blaster Shortcode Facebook Friend InviterTraffic Blaster Shortcode Fan Page LikerTraffic Blaster Shortcode Social LockerTraffic Blaster Meta BoxTraffic Blaster Meta Box Facebook Friend InviterTraffic Blaster Meta Box Popup Locker

WP Social Traffic Blaster

5.00 out of 5 based on 3 customer ratings
(3 customer reviews)


SKU: WPS-STB. Categories: , . Tags: , , , , .

Product Description

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]

Viral Social Sharing

Increase Social Sharing on Your Site by 287%!!

The Traffic Blaster has been proven to increase Social Sharing by 287% across 3 – 30 Day Case Studies.  Lock key content on Your Blog visitors want to see using Facebook Likes, Google +1’s, LinkedIn Shares, and/ or Twitter Tweets and Follows.  Choose which Social Network(s) You want to use and have a powerful new Traffic strategy implemented on Your site in just a few minutes.  Click on our Shortcode Generator icon in the WordPress Editor, choose Your Networks, Add Content, Click Insert and You are done.

It’s that Easy!


SEO Rank Increase

Increase SEO Rank!

One of the newest and most important Ranking Factors in 2013 is Social Sharing and with the Traffic Blaster You can Instantly boost Your site’s number of social shares by locking key content elements like Coupons, Critical Answers to Questions, Videos, Downloads, and More!  There is no limit to what you can ‘lock’ using One or ALL of the Social Media Networks shown here.  More social shares equals higher ranking in Google and Bing.  It is that simple!


More Traffic and Profits

Increase Traffic and Profits!

More Social Sharing and SEO Rank equal a huge boost in Traffic and Profits for You and Your Business.  With the WP Social traffic Blaster You have the ability to selectively Target Key Posts and Pages on Your Site which need more Traffic and the Traffic Blaster can do it for You with Custom URL Sharing for each Social Network no matter what page, post, or domain You are using it on.  Target Your Traffic and Profits Now!



Boost the Number of People who Come to Your site even more with the Facebook Friend Inviter function.  Lock Key Content and require a specific number of Facebook Friends be Invited to Your site in order to have the Content Unlocked.  This feature should only be used for Your BEST Content because when You do it is an EXTREMELY powerful Traffic booster.  Check it out below.

[fbuserinviter tracking_id=’1403-59303602694117′ theme=’none’ message=’Invite Just One Facebook Friend to Test the Friend Inviter Function of the Traffic Blaster and Get a $10 Credit on Your Next Purchase Here at WPSocial.com Just by Clicking the Link Below Now!’ facebook_url=” ]

Get Your $10 Credit with Coupon Code:



[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]

Increase Social Engagement

More Social Sharing!

[trafficblaster tracking_id=’1403-30195439882355′ theme=’none’ message=’Test the Live Demo Here Now by Sharing the Traffic Blaster with Your Friends, Fans or Followers and Get 15% Off on Your Traffic Blaster Purchase!  Note:  You can Customize the Color and Look of this Box to match Your site.’ facebook=’true’ facebook_url=” google_plus=’true’ google_plus_url=” twitter=’true’ twitter_url=” twitter_text=’Increase Traffic and Boost Your SEO Rank Simultaneously. See How Here: ‘ follow=’true’ twitter_user=’wpsocial’ linkedin=’true’ linkedin_url=” ]

You Did it!  Get 15% Off Now Using Coupon Code:




More Facebook Fans

More Facebook Fans!

[fbpagelikelocker tracking_id=’1403-80547750096837′ theme=’none’ message=’Like Our Facebook Fan Page and Get a 15% Off Coupon Code for the Traffic Blaster Now! Note:  You can customize the Color of this Box to match Your site as well.’ facebook_url=’http://www.facebook.com/WPSocial’ ]

You Did it!  Here is Your Coupon Code for 15% Off:





Lifetime Support and Upgrades

Unlimited Use, Lifetime Updates and Support

As with all WP Social products, when You Purchase this Plugin You receive our Unlimited Use Developer License, Lifetime Support for the Plugin, and Lifetime Upgrades of the Plugin.  This means when You purchase a Product from WP Social You do so with the knowledge You are getting a long term commitment from us.  Plus, do not forget all our Products here at WP Social also come with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Refund Policy.  We want You to be happy with Your Purchase and if You are not, tell us and we will take care of any issues You may have.  Guaranteed!


Traffic Blaster Review

Need More Traffic?  Get the WP Social Traffic Blaster Now!


3 reviews for WP Social Traffic Blaster

  1. iamrandysmith555@gmail.com
    5 out of 5


    This plugin was so simple and intuitive to use. I recommend that you get out and pick this up before your competition. Do it. Seriously guys Do it! (In the style of starsky remake!)

  2. baker75@gmail.com
    5 out of 5


    Since i started using WP Social Traffic Blaster, traffic to my money pages has more then quadrupled because it provides me so many options for making my content go viral. I simply lock my content down and provide a message “Interested to know what’s behind this door? Then kindly help spread the word about us and we will let you in Free of Charge!” this becomes a viral roller coaster because people are so curious to find out if they are missing out on something that they share with their friends who then share with their friends bringing in a domino effect of social traffic. One of the other big key points about WP Social Traffic Blaster is that not only does it bring the traffic to my websites but at the same time it is building “Social Backlinks” which is what the search engines want to see so WP Social Traffic Blaster is “Killing Two Birds With One Stone” for me.

  3. danielagustianus@yahoo.com
    5 out of 5


    How many times you bought a plugin, had a problem with it, and got no answer from the developer?

    One of the most important question to ask when buying a wordpress plugin is the SUPPORT.
    Will it get support in the future? Does the developer continuously developing the plugin?
    Do they answer your questions? and many other support related question.
    The importance of support can be seen by the trend that many developers nowadays
    give the plugins/software for free but charge for the support.
    This is truly answering that support is a really important factor.

    Support is including training/tutorial.
    Good news about Mike and Daniel’s wordpress plugin is they give you a video tutorial.
    Video is very helpful. Many times we don’t need support when the training/tutorial explain it clearly.

    The first time I bought a plugin from them was 17 months ago, and they still exist and still do updates and support.

    Now I have 4 plugins from them (including Social Traffic Blaster), ALL with developer license 🙂

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