Last week we quietly changed the My Account Dashboard to include the new licensing system and Download setup for WP Social Customers. We also finally received approval from and now the Social Deals Engine Plugin for WordPress is available for Download for Free.
But, before you go and download the plugin there are a few things you should know. If you already are a Social Deals Engine Plugin Bundle owner or a WP Social Developer Bundle Owner, the Downloads of all the extensions are now available in your Account area.
If you are already actively using the Plugin, **DO NOT** download and start using this new version until we release the new Import Settings Plugin on Friday. There are some Meta Settings which have changed from the old version to the new version and you need to import your current settings into the new plugin or you will lose your settings and customizations.
If you are starting a new site or using the Social Deals Engine plugin for the first time, you also must download and use the New licensing plugin and Your new Licensing Key which is available with instructions for use on the My Account page.
Not all Plugins have been updated to use the new licensing plugin yet, so understand it is NOT required for all plugins yet. It is required for the new Social Deals Engine plugin ONLY if you are using Extensions.
*If you are using the Social Deals Plugin by itself (it is Free and can be used without any Extensions) you DO NOT need to use the licensing plugin.
You only need the licensing plugin with the Extensions.
If you purchased the Social Deals Bundle or the WP Social Developer Bundle previously, you get all the current Extensions for Free **EXCEPT** the Voucher Extension. You will notice there are more extensions in Your Download Area then you had previously.
If you are a new Social Deals Engine Plugin user, all Extensions must be purchased separately. A huge amount of work over the last 3 months has gone into this with a few hundred Development Hours. Some of the Extensions like the PayPal Adaptive Payments extension had a major overhaul and cost us several thousand dollars to upgrade and you will see this reflected in the pricing.
As a Bonus for You this month you can get 25% Off Your Entire purchase at now no matter what you purchase by using this Coupon Code below.
Coupon Code: sep25
You can Download the new Social Deals Engine Plugin for Free here:
Social Deals Engine Plugin for WordPress
You can check out all the new Extensions in our new Extension Marketplace here:
Social Deals Engine Extension Marketplace
*Note: Next week we will also be releasing the WooCommerce specific Social Deals Engine Plugin as a separate plugin along with our Easy Digital Downloads version.
**Note 2: We will announce when all the plugins have been transitioned over to the new licensing next week.
Thanks and good luck.
Mike Johnson
Amazing work guys. love the simplicity of the new licensing system. As a developer I am concerned that my license key still shows up after I save it into the new licensing plugin. It would be a nice security addition to ****** it out or just have it go blank and have a message that says key is saved. If a client gets my key is that a security issue?
If a client gets you licensing key, that’s no security issue at all, since we only use it on our own server for updates and you can’t find out any personal info with the license key. However, we can hide the key within the field, that’s no problem.
Where is the woocommerce version of the Social Deals Engine available, please?
For Social Deals Engine Bundle Owners it is going to be available in your Account early next week (if it isn’t already). Same for WP Social Developer Bundle owners. It will be available for sale as soon as it gets approved on CodeCanyon (which is where we are going to offer this version). We will let everyone know as soon as it is live.